Build an Investor Deck – How to Grow Your Startup

The Ultimate Investor Deck: How to Build a Powerful Presentation for Investors

If you’re looking to raise money for your startup, you need a compelling investor deck. In this post, we’ll teach you how to create an engaging presentation that will help investors see the potential in your business and invest in it. We’ll cover everything from what slides go where to how to make sure people have questions about what they saw.

First, you should know the parts of an investor deck. There are typically five slides in a presentation: Title Slide, Problem/Solution Slides, Product Usage Slides, Team Slides, and Financials and Metrics Slides (optional).

Investor Deck

Let’s go into more detail on what goes where, shall we? As you’re going through your slide show, make sure to encourage questions from investors by asking them yourself at certain points during the presentation or by asking if they have any questions about something specific on a given slide. If there isn’t one already, add some sort of call-to-action before moving onto another part of your pitch – for example “do you want to invest?” “what do you think so far?” etc… Try to make it interactive.

If you’re pitching a consumer-facing product, start your presentation with the Problem/Solution slides. You want investors to understand who your market is and what problem they have that needs solving before getting into details about how you solve it. This will help them see why people would use your product in the first place – which should be obvious if you’ve done any user research or paid advertising for testing purposes already. If not, fix that ASAP!

Don’t spend too much time on this slide though – remember that an investor deck is meant as a quick snapshot of your company’s value proposition; we recommend around 15 seconds per slide at most (that might seem like a long time but once someone hears “what do you think so far?” they’ll get the idea).

Do not forget to highlight any unique features of your platform that investors may be interested in! These could include things like personalized data analysis tools, integrations with third party apps etc.. If there isn’t anything really unique, don’t sweat it. The goal is to strike a balance between unique and universal enough that investors can see how you stand out in an increasingly crowded market (but not so unique that there’s no possible way they’ve ever heard of something like your product before).

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